About Ordering Theory

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Properties of various ordering

  1. Preorder
    • reflexive
    • transitive
  2. Partial order(non-strict)
    • reflexive
    • antisymmetric
    • transitive.
  3. Partial order(strict)
    • irreflexive
    • antisymmetric
    • transitive.
  4. Total order
    • total
    • antisymmetric
    • transivtive
  5. Strict weak orderings(strict partial order and transitivityOfIncomparability)
    • irreflexive
    • antisymmetric
    • transitivity
    • transitivityOfIncomparability
  6. Well-order(total order and every non-empty subset of S has a leat element)
    • total
    • antisymmetric
    • transivtive
    • leastOfSubset

Some definition

Suppose P is a set and R(<=) is a relation on P, then we have following definition, for all a, b, c in P:

  1. reflexive: a<=a
  2. antisymmetric: if a<=b and b<=a then a=b(if a<=b and a!=b then b<=a must NOT hold)
  3. transitivity: if a<=b and b<=c then a<=c
  4. totality: a<=b or b<=a (it deduces reflexive)
  5. comparability(a, b): a<b or a<b
  6. incomparability(a, b): neither a<b nor b<a
  7. transitivityOfIncomparability: for all a, b ,c, if incomparability(a,b) and incomparability(b,c), then incomparability(a,c)
  8. leastOfSubset: for all non-empty subset A of S, there exits a least element is A
  9. irreflexive: not a<=a

About strict <==> non-strict

If a non-strict partial order, then the corresponding non-strict partial order is the reflexive closure given by: if .

Conversely, strict ==> non-strict: if .


Order theory

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