Archive by Year


Useful Tools I Use

1 minute read

k2pdfopt A tool, transforms pdf files to easy-read pdf in mobile device. K2pdfopt optimizes PDF/DJVU files for mobile e-readers (e.g. the Kindle) and smartph...

Math Related Things

less than 1 minute read

Relation between Density and Histrogram funcion Given , where is the density function of , and the width of each bin , we can produce histrogram function...

famous algorithm

2 minute read

Median of medians The optimal algorithm selecting kth largest element,with linear time complexity Reference:

common sense

less than 1 minute read

Foot <-> Inch <-> Centimeter

STL container

less than 1 minute read

Sequence container: array Just like int a[], it’s a simple wrapper.


Youtube video not works(For Chinese)

less than 1 minute read

If you have set up the web proxy, and find out youtube video still not work, you may configure to proxy the following sites:

Learning Python

1 minute read

Learning Python Reference Url:

Understand output of diff

2 minute read

Abstract Explanation The normal output format of diff consists of one or more chunks of differences, each hunk shows one area where two files differ. Normal...


Jobs In Linux

less than 1 minute read

The general job control commands in Linux are:

How to synchronize time across a cluster?

less than 1 minute read

A basic step about synchronizing time using ntp. Install Ntp Server in master computer. Run following commands in master computer: sudo apt-get instal...

How to setup ssh tunnelling in windows

less than 1 minute read

Situation You have a middle computer A, says OS is win7, the middle computer A connects to a inside computer B, which has access to inner network. And each t...